

Just in time to place the penny-ante assaults on "we the people," outlined below, in context, comes Paul's acid commentary on the latest stand-down by our "defenders."
And, in case you missed it,
nexi ELITES' UNWISDOM AT ROOT OF CRASH, DEFICIT, RECESSION (and the unraveling of civil society) - Paul Krugman  nyt  05-08-11
The following article focuses on financial machinations. I would suggest that America is now so far down the rabbithole to ruin that there are few trustworthy (intellectually honest) institutions left standing upon which we can rely to level with us. As I said in an earlier piece, at this point, every economic hand is turned against us (Bernie and Dennis notwithstanding), as the latest "deal" oozing its slimy, double-dealing, four-flushing way out from under the door of the Oval Office should attest. What a stench!
You might ask yourselves what kind of civilized, law-abiding country permits: one-man war-making ability; fracking; "untraceable" e-coli outbreaks; lengthy prison terms for formerly minor offenses; police brutality masquerading as "keeping us safe from _____"; endless and increasingly intrusive rifling of our personal communications by numerous alphabet agencies accountable to no one but their secret superiors; regular entrapment of the citizenry by multiple levels of law enforcement agencies (red light cameras) and, indeed, the bald-faced manipulation of the law whenever deemed inconvenient (in the way) by those with the power to change them to be more to their liking.
And that's not to mention the slew of victimless "crimes" (prostitution, drug use, feeding the homeless, wearing "inflammatory" T-shirts - ad nauseum) that our cockamamie Puritan/Calvinist/Lockian heritage says must be punished with the relentless zeal of an Anthony Comstock or The Inquisition. Fuggedaboud mercy, redemption and compassion, you sinner, you. We've got prison-industrial mouths to feed and a payroll to meet
 "If mortgages were not properly transferred in the securitization process, then mortgage-backed securities would, in fact, not be backed by any mortgages whatsoever, and could cloud title to nearly every property in the United States."
- Georgetown University bankruptcy expert Adam Levitin, in testimony to subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee
(assuming one could actually lay hands on that pesky piece of paper)
And this latest docu from our friends, the uncivil Libertarians on the Wrong. You can have fun picking your way through the stuff you agree with - invasion of privacy, due process outrages, entrapment galore - and the stuff you don't - it's all the fault of lazy folks, if we could only send those brown people (too late for the black ones) home where they belong, our institutions are being laid low by unAmericans hogging the trough slots, yada, yada.
You also won't hear NAFTA mentioned, nor a host of other self-inflicted wounds, for the sole benefit of the uber-rich. But, skip over the appeals to racism and nativism and the sly (they think) fearmongering touts for gold and silver to tide you over the hyperinflationary period (with Mr. O's latest cave today -8-/1 - this economy's deflationary spiral will only accelerate), and gaze in wonder on the passing parade of a government gone mad as it thrashes around in its desperate search for a sword that will smite the calamitous Dearth-of-Debt/Jobs Dragon (seems nobody trusts anyone else these days, imagine that!) and, in turn, driving its citizenry plumb loco as it does.
I had been aware of many of these outrageous attempts to balance the city/state/nation's books on the back of the working stiffs, but this flick contains quite a few new wrinkles on the unfolding, creative panoply of government traps 'n tricks that I've dubbed ('cause no one else has), govgrift. Has a nice ring to it. Think it'll catch on?
rot COLLAPSE OF AMERICA & POLICE STATE A-RISING - LIB POV  End of Liberty  w Gerald Celente NIA ‬‏ #1.14.06  inflationus-youtube  2010
A word of caution: the uber-Libertarian and laissez-faire Mr. Celente tends to get carried away in his righteous indignation (Oh, the wealthy humanity!). Parts of this film (produced by his Trends Institute) will rub the Progressives among you the wrong way. Try to remember that the uncivil Right agrees with us civil libbers on the Left only in so far as keeping government respectful of our personal space. We come apart when it comes to the role of government in providing a social safety net; referred to in some parts as , compassion for the least among us (to quote some dude, I forget who).
This in no way obviates the film's many examples of government intrusion and interference in what should be (and is) our private, legal, personal affairs.
Be careful out there and always be polite to the cops. Know your rights.
They're not in that line of work because they failed the flower-arranging exam.
For some, it brings out their inner-thug when you resist; alas, even legally.
TIP: When dealing with any authoritarian personality (I can always tell, how about you?);
BE PASSIVELY, BUT FIRMLY ASSERTIVE. You have a right to be treated as a human.
Martin and Mahatma are the way to defeat them.

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2 
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti

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