You will note that there are no controls on the Fed's video. No way to moderate volume, determine its length (8 mins), fast-forward or go to fullscreen. What kind of a mindset does that remind you of? As the links above the vid attest, the rise of police brutality around the nation is pandemic. He links to a few and I add my own links to incidents below. And I sure hope they sent copies of this thing to the CIA,FBI, NSA, NIS and INS (gets confusing, don't it?).
To be fair, it's a fine line and a host of split-second decisions our martial minions must make on a daily basis. However, the events below are essentially no-brainers.
While I personally believe that the majority of law enforcement officers return reasonable behaviour in kind, the incidents of bad judgment seem to expand daily. Scroll to bottom for a primer on knowing your rights in this area.
Now that you've digested the portrait of rectitude and devotion to professionalism above, what follows are a few items I had set aside with this post in mind. They serve as counterpoint - and perhaps, rebuke - to the lofty aims limned in the previous video.
While Mother Nature's tantrums of late have our attention, and ginned up crises (Naomi's Disaster Capitalism) beset us from all quarters, we need to also be on the alert for signs of, let's say, cracks in the empire. Translation: the greater the stress folks are under (including the gendarmerie), the crazier the shit they are more prone to do.
There are a number of signs that the social fabric in the U.S. is, to say the least, under stress. Folks my age (69), and, disturbingly, much younger, are saying things like, "I'm glad I won't be around too much longer." or, "I don't want to be here when the ball drops." Can you imagine it occurring to anyone to voice such sentiments even a decade ago?
There is a menace in the American air. You feel it. I feel it. We all know that yonder something wicked cometh our way:
- from out-of-control cops with hair-trigger reactions at the tiniest (imagined) slight,
- to the spectacle of bullied kids "paying back" mostly innocent fellow students by commiting mass murder,
- to folks being injured in the stampede of hundreds to fill out applications for 35, low-paying positions; so great the desperation (or even to nab one of those 3, $50 TVs at Wal-Mart),
- to city after Tea Party city (and state) shuttering the doors to "the common" (libraries, kids' after-hour sports programs, daycare) we all rely on to preserve and maintain a somewhat civil society,
- to our increasingly brusque and restless highways and byways where vehicular transgressions - intended or un - elicit an extended middle finger, as though the owner of that finger was the only "perfect" driver on the planet (aren't we all?) - all at 70 mph and 4 bux-a-gallon.
The focus here, then, is on the little signs that tend to blend into the background after a flicker, if any, in the news cycle.
Let's begin with our loud and militant neighbors (they're right, you're wrong; get over it), the Tea Party. Turns out, they're "feelin' da power."
It must be nice to be so cocksure of everything you believe that you can then go around and make damn sure that all opposing views are expunged from the land. "Freedom!," indeed. If the counterintuiive and paradoxical actions of these severely muddled minds doesn't scare the hell out of you, then, imagine that this pack of brainwashed super-patriots had rousted the MoveOns (am I the only one for whom a vision of Eloi and Morlochs comes to mind?) with firearms at the ready. Different deal, right? And how long do you think it will take this mentality to descend into the vigilantism-to-save-god-and-country oxymoron? As there are powerful, unseen, hands guiding the control bar of the T.P. Marionettes, my guess would be, not too bloody long.
As you watch the vid, note the aggresive body language (stances, close proximity to "the enemy"), intimidatory and mocking remarks as the "troublemaking Commie, Socialist pigs" pack up to peacefully get away from this thoroughly unpleasant gang of louts, whose skewed notion of "freedom" is to prevent its very practice by others, almost as if they were begging for the chance to "defend themselves," or their nations' (slightly soiled) "honor."
If you were to walk up to most of these TPers and tell them that what they were doing, while well within their First Amendment rights, was, in fact, mighty like the tactics employed by Rohm's Brownshirts and every schoolyard bully in the land, you would probably be greeted by blank stares, scowls, belligerence, curses, accostive posturing and the like. The one reaction you would most likely fail to elicit is introspection; as in, self-examination to see if the charges leveled held any merit. This is known in some quaint quarters as self-reflection.
As Will put it, therein lies the rub.
rot COP TASERS 10-YEAR OLD GIRL FOR NOT GOING TO BED- cnn #4.16 alexanderhiggins-youtube 05-18-11
Note all the qualifiers employed by CNN's guests. Whatever happened to simple declarative staements like, "That was the wrong way to handle this." or "This is simply unacceptable!"
You gotta really hustle to make the likes of today's Tea Party-blessed Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio look like paradise on earth, but, by gummy, The Grand Canyon State is giving it the old college try. It goes without saying that reason is the first to leave the building on this one.
cop CIVIL LIBS IN LOCKDOWN IN Quartsite AZ - CAN YOU SAY, 'INSTANT POLICE STATE'? (just ad water...) #10.40 brasschecktv 07-12-11
Finally, a re-send of this - pass it on - it's not always "somebody else"
They're not in that line of work because they failed the flower-arranging exam.
For some, it brings out their inner-thug when you resist; even legally.
TIP: When dealing with any authoritarian personality (I can always tell, how about you?);
BE PASSIVELY, BUT FIRMLY ASSERTIVE. You have a right to be treated as a human.
Yibbida-yibbida, that's all folks.
Nigel Watson freethinker 727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo
"There is no greater disaster than greed." – Lao-tzu
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti
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