

Can you say Brobdingnagian, shameless hypocrisy?

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


rig VOTER SUPPRESSION ON STEROIDS via TEA PARTY SHELL GAME 'Stealing Democracy' - Spencer Overton bradblog 05-23-11

Move along, folks. Nothing much new to see here. In other words, I disagree with the book's sub-title. Seems to me we are witnessing the same old Atwater-Rovian thuggery and skullduggery of yore; it's just that now, with bushel baskets of kochfunds, they've conned and stolen their way into control of a bunch more states. That, and the Urosevich Machine
is gettin' stronger..
This piece (and book) might be handy to pass on to your friends and family on the right whose comeback on this score is "Sore Loserman." It's their loss too. And, for the less plugged in Lefties in your circles, this makes a nice wrap-up of the field of battle in describing how close we are to the total usurpation (or enough to carry the day, regardless) of our bedrock democratic process.
Given the modern-day insanity of our overripe Electoral College, it's enough to know that the thugs are going after the 15-odd states whose electoral ballots equal those of California, with but a third to one-half the population of the Golden State (depending on which 15 states). 
this just in...
The mysterious debut of Luna the personal robot
I don't care what it does. It's cute and I want one! Only $3,000 - a bargain!

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


nexi COLLAPSE OF CAPITALISM Lifting the Veil - Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy #1.53.36 youtube 2010


In just under two hours, this film explains, in plain English, precisely what is ailing America, who is responsible and where this is all heading. I must say, I find nothing here that is not fact-based, thoroughly documented and verifiable six ways to Sunday. But, don't take my word for it. In the age of the instant answer, if you run across any questionable assertion, just pop the salient terms into your favorite search engine and you'll see for yourself.
Remember, only a failure of imagination can cause a suspension of disbelief in one actively engaging her/his critical faculties.
Once you've vetted this - compared it to the knowledge you already have and checked the few areas you were less sure of - you will know just how near to th edge of the abyss this klepto-republic fantasyland really is.
The companion text to this docu is one of Chris Hedges' recent columns:
the corporate state wins again - Chris Hedges truthdig 04-25-11
Just in case you still harbor any doubts about just how dark America, and much of the Western world, is becoming, invest a tad more time with the soft-spoken* Julian Assange who speaks his truth withour benefit of sturm or drang. Assange's matter-of-fact, measured and understated delivery provides added power to his argument that government secrecy - at every level - is our mortal foe. He is blazing a trail for one of the two main avenues by which the masses (that'd be us) can push back against the few who now wield their power so cruelly: hacking (the other being social networking, which is also coming along nicely).
But, before you dig in to the erudite and respectful colloquy of Mssrs. Pilger and Assange, for a compare and contrast, a reminder of the contrived and calculated din that passes for expository "debate" in this morally-adrift country. If the people are supposed to arrive at reasoned and rational decisions based on this type of carnival, is it any wonder they don't?
  #first 3.5 mins  foxnews-youtube  12-28-10
rev WIKILEAKS  Julian Assange  w John Pilger
(in UK, prior to his arrest) #1.08.28  itv-youtube  10-00-10
As I've said before, make your plans. In my opinion, we have 5 years - give or take - before we will find ourselves in a self-censoring and martial culture. You may even catch yourself scanning the area before uttering a deeply-held belief in public; perhaps even on the phone (making Ari Fleischer a prophet without honor in his own time). Within that time we may even see the first websites that simply "disappear" when you try to pull them up, though it is far more likely - in true boiling a frog style - that the "slowing" (40 seconds more is a lifetime on the Web) of such troublesome sites may be enough to reduce their followers by attrition. We will further see the rise of DarkNet; a parallel Internet beyond the reach of the censors. This is Orwellian/Huxleyan stuff, but it will be here soon.
We will also see the beginnings of the unraveling of our food distibution system (I use the term "food" advisedly). For the following brief piece, the comments are far more revealing than the column and Cybra (first/bottom comment) is on the money. If you think Monsanto and its Big Ag cohorts are going to let you grow your own, let alone eat it, by taking unfair advantage of your lower production costs - air, soil, water, TLC - then you're smoking something stronger then Roundup Ready.
(near water)  nyobserver  05-17-11
By the end of this decade the rot and resultant stench here will be evident to even the most distracted among us. A police state, in all but name, will be in place by then; sooner if another false-flag "terrorism" is committed upon us - think Statue of Liberty or Golden Gate Bridge (symbolic and iconic with small loss of life) or, perhaps something on a grander scale (though it's hard to top the Twin Towers & #7 for sheer audacity), say, Grand Coulee Dam
To use the Nexi's (the elite miscreants who have wrought all this chaos and misery) favorite phrase, "Whatever it takes."
*emphasis on "soft" - you may want to listen with headphones - Julian's voice literally disappears at times

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

There is no greater disaster than greed.Lao-tzu



orb-pc `LSP Land Stewardship Project

ROUNDUP READY BADS  5-Part pod on how Roundup-glyphosate works - Don Huber 
(28-29 min each)  ear-to-ground-lsp  05-02-11
orb-pc LSP Ear to the Ground Podcast http://www.landstewardshipproject.org/podcast.html
orb-pc `LSP Land Stewardship Project  http://www.landstewardshipproject.org/index.html

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

There is no greater disaster than greed.Lao-tzu



fit-vim SUGAR - HOW IT'S KILLING YOU + FRUIT GRAMS TABLE + 2009 LECTURE #1.29.28 mercola 05-02-11

The 90-minute lecture with this article is a life-changer. The term to remember here is insulin-resistance
Watch this ONCE if you'd like to lose a few pounds, have more energy or avoid early-onset cardiovascular/cancer/diabetes/Alzheimer's issues.
Watch this TWICE if you'd like to lose more than a few pounds and understand it well enough to explain the basics to those you care about.
Watch this THRICE (where else can you get Elizabethan jargon?) if you are already dealing with cardiovascular, cancer or diabetes.
Also, the comments add to your knowledge on this site (as opposed to the usual childishness). I recommend them highly. One from mbblades on 3/2 mentions chromium tablets (1,000 mcg/day) to deal with the craving while you're trying to kick the addiction. And just  below that are 3 links from Mercola on how to beat candida. The info's here; all that's missing is a decision to get sugar out of your life for good. This almost former addict plans to do just that.
A word on Mercola.com
I try to find sources that prove to me they have no hidden agenda. Dr. Mercola is one. Intellectul honesty is the sine qua non for my paying any attention to what someone tells me. Then, the  only other thing I need to determine is if they know what the hell they're talking about. I can now state (after 3-4 months-worth of his daily newsletters), with no reservations, that the good Doc passes the moral compass and got-it-together tests with flying colors.
Whether he's telling or selling (his own line of products which I'll be giving a try), you can take what this fellow says to the bank (although that they may be the last place you'd want to take anything nowadays).
The best thing this video and article can do for you is to show you how stacked the deck is against anyone trying to live a naturally healthy life in America, hence, less expensive and less profitable for the folks who want to sell you their boatloads of toxic crap. The real disease here is overweening, way out-of-control greed.
There's lots more good info on Mercola's site. His bite-size newsletter will give you a daily peek at the wide range of issues he covers.
Don't forget, the grains have to go too as they morph into fructose and sucrose as well.
I am so distrustful of any, so-called, "authority" in this society-on-the-cum, that my diet consists solely of stuff that can't be fucked with by the industrial food machine: nuts, fruit (amazing how much you can eat and still stay under 25 grams of sugar per day - check out the chart), beans, peanut butter (natural, not Skippy) - you get the picture.
I also do shakes and smoothies, though I'm going to give the Doc's Whey shake a shot. I trust him to use the pure ingredients he says he does. I think the whey and supplements I now use are mostly ineffective - the price isn't that much more either.
Toodles and good luck kicking the Sugar Succubus (or Incubus, if you're so inclined),
As an added incentive, remember that, each time one of us frees her/himself from the industrial food/money people-grinder, means one fewer to support this corrupt and crumbling edifice built on avarice and oppression.
mercola.com is an all-around, excellent health info site.
You'll love The Town of Allopath, a 5-minute animated film.
Don't forget to pass this one on to everyone you know (even he ones you don't care about).

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

There is no greater disaster than greed.Lao-tzu