
rig RIGGED ELECTIONS - A MASSIVE CONSPIRACY - THE UPHILL BATTLE TO REFORM Election Integrity interview opednews 12-16-11

thanx to Mark Miller for this one
rig RIGGED ELECTIONS - A MASSIVE CONSPIRACY - THE UPHILL BATTLE TO REFORM Election Integrity interview  opednews  12-16-11
rig   Votescam.org   Victoria Collier  (The Stealing of America - James & Kenneth Collier  1992)

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu
 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti



Excellent article on this important issue outlines how you, your kids and your loved ones need not be hectored or bullied into being given these challenged products. Tells how to require respect for your wishes from your doctor who may or may not have been compromised by the stupifyingly huge injections of cash into the medical care industry by Big Pharma.
The choice is yours, not mammon's. (offer no longer good in California, alas) 

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti



thanx to Mark Crispin Miller's NewsFromUnderground blog for these
law THOMAS SHOULD RESIGN OR BE PROSECUTED says former Judge (and lover), Lillian McEwen interview #6.45  youtube  10-26-11
Ms. McEwen is also the author of the just-released book, DC Unmasked & Undressed.
law THOMAS MUST RESIGN OR BE PROSECUTED says former Judge (and lover), Lillian McEwen  opednews  10-26-11
law SUPREME CORRUPTION  A Question of Integrity (mini-docu) #16.36=8  allianceforjustice  2011

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti



from Mark Miller
First, they came for the faux-terrorists, but I did nothing because I wasn't a terrorist. Then they came for the faux-Islamofascists and Anthrax mailers, but I did nothing because, you know, I don't look anything like those dudes. Then they came for the faux-enablers and Muslim NGOs, but again I did nothing 'cause  Black Thursday was coming up and a man's got to set priorities. When they came for those peaceful Occupy folks, I felt bad about a few of them getting sprayed and beaten and all, but you just can't have folks clogging up the streets 24/7, can you?
Finally, just as I got my new x43yy22 iPhone customized to fit me like a glove, damn if they didn't come for me. ME! What did I do? I'd call the ACLU. or somebody, but they tell me that there will be no calls to anybody until they "check me out." Don't know for sure, but it sounds like that may be awhile. And when I demanded they tell me what crime I was being charged with, the guard at my door told me I 'd better shut up and quit giving them lip or I might end up being 'Manninged." I had never heard of that, but it didn't sound like it would be a good thing for me. Won't somebody tell me if they're allowed to do this to me?
Well, here we are at yet another latter-day Rubicon; this one with a shore too far, I fear. We've seen this coming for some time, but there is now far more evidence that Obama will actually sign this monstrous betrayal of a bill. All of his petty larceny of our rights up to now may be about to come into full proper perspective. Compared to this year's NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act -, it's all been chump change.
If you're wondering why all this is happening now, wonder no more. There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that riots and protests abroad and at home have scared the bejeezus out of the gentle few who run the world. No, not the presidents, prime ministers and tin-pot dictators you silly goose. I mean the real rulers of this planet: the multi-national corporations (MNCs) and the infinitesimal few who run them. All this pandemonium is bad for 'bid'ness, ' (and the stability of the markets) doncha know. I mean, if the Greek people were to bring down their government, why, The Nexi might lose all that lovely lolly they've striven so hard to steal. If a few other countries got the idea that nations could just waltz away from their sovereign debts, homeowners their fiat-kited mortgages and so on, well, too much of that type of 'moral hazard' and the whole toxic, steaming pile of fiat ka-ka comes crashing down in one big brown landslide.
It's a good thing they banished the word 'Iceland' from their wholly-owned subsidiary, the corporate media (here and in Europe). Wouldn't want the sheeple to get the idea that Iceland had set any kind of a precedent, or something. I mean, those descendents of Vikings and Celts as much as told the banksters to go take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut before they'd see one crooked krona out of them. The nerve!
Now, the bad news. The other thing all this commotion does is throw sand in The Nexi's gears. They are now on track (they think) to sew up the planet like a drawstring bag... with us inside. These sociopathic fools' globalist dream is to ensure that all of us become so desperate that we will do whatever they say we must do in order to survive. As I write this, the various branches of the MNC (mutlinationals) 'family' are in constant contact with one another as they plot (they don't need to convene a Bilderburg Conference to get 'er done - that';s just a show of force for the Alex Joneses of the world to get het up about) how to deal with the various 'people's eruptions 'in their respective oligarchic corners of the world.
The plain fact is that many of us are awakening from our slumber of the past 150 years; especially the last 30. The super-duper Industrial Age is drawing to a close. With our always sharp 20-20 hindsight, we are now able to see that it was unsustainable from the git-go (1835 being as good a year as any) and oil's reign among men has been severely curtailed by the constant manipulation and conniving by The Nexi to steal, by hook or by crook, the fabulous fruits of the age of ultra-cheap energy.
In short, The Nexi - our Avarice Addicts - our Mavens of Mammon - have pissed away about a third of the three trillion barrels of oil in endless wars and constant interference (bribery, buyouts, intimidation, sabotage and murder, in roughly that order, to name just a few) in innovative improvements on the internal combustion engine model (risibly referred to as the 'marketplace' of ideas). Our cars today get fewer MPGs than did the Model T. The reason for this and a host of other stupid stuff (SUVs) is to use up as much of the oil as possible (and hence string out the return on Nexi investment) before the game is up and the public tumbles to the fact that they have, in fact, been taken for a century-and-a-half-long 'ride.' And that's just the dirty tricks applied to one piece of scientific and technological advances.
Human civilizaton has been with us for a very brief time, geologically speaking: some 6,000 to 10,000 years, depending on one's notion of 'civilization.' For all the history being made, during that period, human population stayed steady at under a billion all the way up to roughly 1850. It then began rising in an ever-steepening incline. Ditto our use of fossil fuels, natural resources and so on. We stand at 7 billion today; one billion of us not being even a glint in daddy's eye until the turn of this millennium. But, population isn't our problem now, inequality is.
For all the trillions upon trillions made as a result of cheap energy, somehow, the mostly Anglo and Hispanic misanthopes - driven by mammon and religious certainty - who have run the world these past 500+ years have not seen fit to share such abundance with the vast majority of humanity. If they weren't enslaving them by brute force, ethnically cleansing the life out of them, screwing them out of their natural resources or, in the modern age, re-enslaving them anew by the white man's specious and sinister magic of fiat money and fractional reserve debt-slavery, they made sure that the conquered tribes never caught a break. While there have been occasional lulls in the unseemly rush to profit off one's fellow man (and woman), mostly we are where we are today because the human mind is not capable of dealing fairly and constructively with overweening power (Rome, America) and its toxic concomitant, boundless wealth.
Human societies also fail whenever they disregard man's essential connection to this Earth (and earth) and one another and, most important, her/his undeniable spirituality*, that je ne sais quoi essential to our finest moments as human beings.
*Not to be confused, or conflated, with his cynical, misogynist, manipulatory, monotheisms.
So, the measure that Obama will sign this week (I will be as happy and as surprised as you if he punts) will allow our increasingly militarized police and paramilitaries that are slowly replacing the duties of the street cops, to act in ways not too different from those of Hitler's SS or East Germany's Stazi. It is amazing for this civil libertarian to witness such onrushing oppression with a rate of descent of the Valkyries. The Nexi know they must have a way to blunt the power of the people - the only power they really fear - whenever push comes to shove; as it inevitably must. Malke no mistake, their aim is to avoid, at all costs, violence. But, if it must be so, they won't shrink away from it.
Now that we've seen open coordination between mayors and governors agreeing on how to 'clean up' (one mayor's way of putting it) the Occupy protestors, there should be little doubt in anyone's mind that The Nexi will do whatever it takes to maintain the chimera of order as long as they possibly can, even as they increase their sway in the world.
Power rarely surrenders power to less power. But, as the mask slips and more of The Nexi's dreadful plans for us are increasingly revealed (Draconian oppression is hard to hide), they will come to rely more and more on physical coercion instead of that which has worked so well for them since the invention of unions and social causes (as cuckolds and ulterior cover) in the teens and 20s: control of the media, the buying of governments, distraction by lots of shiny toys, manipulation of patriotism, sports and religious fervor, and other devices, ad infinitum.
As nearly as I can determine, these few humans - The Nexi - seem to have no identifiable moral coda that includes the rest of the family of man in it. I believe that the unquenchable lust for power and wealth has always rendered man devoid of introspection, compassion and altruistic principle. How else to explain the consistent cleaving to such amoral, myopic and cavalier response in his behaviour toward those vastly less powerful than himself.
Amy's show yesterday provides this sad, borderline resigned, interview:
libs INDEFINITE DETENTION - NO 4th, NO 6th, NO 8th - ACLU ATTORNEY Chris Anders  w Amy #10.06  dn  12-14-11
NjW  402

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


fit-md BIG SICK's DRIVE TO OWN LIFE ITSELF & HANG THE COST Deadly Monopolies - Harriet Washington w Amy #45.30 dn 10-31-11

Big Sick is my all-encompassing term for Big Insurance, Big Pharma, Big Hospital and especially, the AMA and our thoroughly corrupted medical corps of M.D.s. While the first 2 can point to their corporate charters, which state that Job #1 is "Grab all you can," the latter all agreed, to varying extents, to conduct business under their prime directive: The Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm."
Someone please explain to me how these people can sleep at night. I mean the doctors. The corporations are doing exactly what they were designed to do; like a shark. This is why this entire co-opting paradigm needs to slink away into the history books.
Ms. Washington does an excellent job of laying out the massive betrayal of the public trust by all parties to Big Sick's scam which maintains patients in a profitable state of perpetual equilibrium; not so sick that they expire, but sick enough to require constant care (the most expensive on the planet) to 'manage' their disease for, if Big Sick is lucky, all eternity.
Throw in our toxic food supply, constantly pumping us full of some quite nasty chemicals, along with a government that allows Big Ag and Big Sick to write the very laws under which they are free to poison (no GMO labeling premitted - can't even cast aspersions by saying your product is not GMO!) and pillage (Monsanto Terminator seeds) the population and you complete this iron triangle of deadly deception. 
And don't forget that without the all-out, 40-year, Federalist assault on the sitting-for-life Federal bench (more Right, more young), especially The Supremes, few of the really big decisions that have brought us to this low place would never have become law.
If this interview makes you angry, it should. It shows how out of touch with humanity these mavens of mammon really are.
While we're doing the above, the Chinese are doing this:
NjW  408

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti



A criminal congerie of Constitutionally-challenged, authoritarian assholes have proudly brought the Badger State back to the halcyon days of Late 15th Century Spain, dictating canon law and severely punishing progressive heresy. I expect we shall see a return to public stocks and blood-letting leaches (they're trying to dismantle state health care as I write this) any day now.
These fucking miscreants are not to be believed. They have no business participating in civilized society, much less be running the asylum. The harm they are perpetrating should be diagnosed as criminally insane behaviour. Tea Party, my ass. War (on the people) Party, more like it.
This clueless item gets the facts mainly straight, just not the end the perpetrators had in mind when they passed this travesty. There is something seriously amiss when a law in a vain search for a perp - any perp - fetches up an octogenarian with a perfect voting record of more than half a century. The GOP/TP self-serving sophistry trying to paddle this load of Bernays manure appears on page 3.
 from newsfromunderground
and in case you thought this has only just ramped up since the recall effort began in earnest...
This just hits a few of the high (low) spots; there's much more. It is outright war on the majority by a tiny minority who have stolen (you can add a half-dozen of these, including Walker's, to the Rove Rig Machina 'win' column) the reins of power and are making hay while the sun shines. Disgusting!

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu
 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti



Not a problem.  Federal Regulation E protects you from a loss of more than $50 (bank usually forgives even that), if your credit card is stolen (and to an extent, if your Debit card is stolen).  What you don’t want to lose is your debit card, along with your PIN.  Then your bank account could be cleared out, and the bank will give you a really tough time to get your $$ back.  The PIN is not on the magnetic stripe, so they will assume you gave it to the perp. 


Eventually all credit cards will have smart chips and/or RFI technology, and the banks (under Reg E) will cover losses, or no one would use their cards…. not a good thing for the banks and processors.




Hal Freedman


Charles Rutenberg Realty

1 Beach Drive SE, Unit 2705

St. Petersburg, FL 33701


727-692-4713 (Cell)

727-502-0024 (Fax)


From: Nigel [mailto:freesense@gmail.com]
Sent: 12/11/2011 3:57 PM
To: ,A POST from Nigel
Cc: ` ORBizen Memo to my blog


You need to watch this

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/




"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - Krishnamurti



You need to watch this

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


orb DURBAN CLIMATE CONF - ''GET IT DONE'' urges Youth Delegate Anjali Appadurai, then a MIC CHECK #6.00 dn 12-09-11

There is something about a good-looking girl giving the establishment Hell. As your average dirty old man, but also a civil libertarian through-and-through, when presented with such conflicting emotions, I immediately want to take her out to dinner and give her an award; preferably simultaneously. Afterwards, we can go back to my place. But, only to shower her with still more praise as she sips a small cask of my best Madeira. See what I mean?
Seriousness aside, as I watched this fiery performance, I was very glad she was on our side and equally pleased not to be on the receiving end of such a verbal thrashing. What Ms. Appadurai did took moxie. The mic check she led after that was just sheer youthful joy at finally having a say in the matter (why check with the kids? Heck, it's only their world we're screwing up.). Best of all was the COP President's crack at the end. Then there's always Ladysmith Black Mombasa. All in all, one of the best clips all year.
Sadly, this young lady was one of the few upbeat actors in this latest in a series of global morality plays; each one regressively worse than the last. That tired old moral pygmy of a climate-change denier, James Inhofe (R-OK), is here - depressingly, the only member of Congress to attend - applauding the conference's downfall, as well as Obama's 'righteous' call on this one. Right. I mean, left. Us, that is. For even more fun and frolic, here's a true believer who thinks 'guv'mint' ought to get out of the way (I wasn't aware it hadn't) and let the Harvard Biz School model fix everything in a jiffy.
I wonder if all these blithe misguided fools will change their tune when the Senator's Sooner prairie is burned to a cinder and the Wall Street Exchange is under 10 feet of H2O; though only their descendents will be around to judge their tragic level of myopia and pig-headedness by then.
Anjali at least had the floor. How about this confrontation from another lass. Anjali's enfilade attack was neatly bookended the day before by another New England student's defilade approach. Abigail Borah sat quietly until the low-level US rep began to address the conference, then jumped up and had her say ("I'm scared for my future."). Had she pulled that in the good old, post-9/11 US of A, she no doubt would be cooling her heels in the local pokey even now.. Turns out, our sub-altern, Todd Stern, had no comeback to this young lady (or Amy) other than, "It's a misconception."
For those of you not checking in on Amy and Juan every weekday, you are missing out on the real action. Not for nothing is Democracy Now's sub-title The War and Peae Report. It is an all-out war; one which we the people are temporarily losing. But, as the deniers and conspiracy nuts will soon learn anew, "Nothing is as certain (ineluctable) as an idea whose time has come." In the immortal words of my natal countrymen, "It's time to get the baby's ass out of the butter" (call me, Briticisms have to be explained).
NjW  406

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


rev WISDOM FOR THE AGES Time for Outrage - Stephane Hessel Q&A #1.31.06 booktv 09-27-11

This fellow proves that age is just a number - if you do it right. I'd describe him as sort of an Occidental Krishnamurti.
Running across this video fits in with a few docus I've seen over the past year about all the suffering visited by The Great White Father on the various Native Indian tribes as we slowly pushed them further to the west. I don't know where the line is drawn between genocide and its latter-day euphemism, 'ethnic cleansing,' but either one would describe the process.
When one looks at the values those 'savages' held - respect for nature and their elders, take only what you need, the 'common' meant everyone 'owned' everything, and so on - the transgressions of our paleface ancestors seem ever more mean-sprited, stupid and counterproductive.
Had Europe developed cultures that placed stock in real values, like those of the many indigenous peoples we bumped into on our way to running the planet (now, apparently, into the ground), instead of thumping the original inhabitants, we might have taken a moment to ask them why they did the things they did. Had we done so, today we might not still be debating such foolishness as, whether or not universal healthcare is a right (the tribes had that), the right to die (elders had the right to simply wander off when they felt the time had come), and property boundaries (Indians had no word for 'trespass' before we taught them what a good thing it was). The Indian way also avoided such thorny issues as, religious wars, tax evasion, latchkey kids, juvenile delinquency, elder abuse (no old folks homes), and many others we simply accept as the price of doing empire in our little consumer Nirvana..
But, mostly, there would be no 99%. And the 1%? Thye'd still be around but all the locals would be keeping them well in check.
I wonder what he thinks of the Occupy movement? Not sure, but I believe this was taped the day before they set up shop at Wall & Broad.

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti

Re: nexi GREECE vs WALL STREET - US TO EU & G20 - YOU MUST FORCE GREECE TO SUBMIT Michael Hudson w Amy #12.00 dn 11-03-11

Here is yesterday's post, but in future you can click through to my blog below. You can also choose to sign up for the RSS feed (e-z) on the blog.
glad the info is of interest - don't forget to pass it on to anyone still tied in to the big, bright green, fibbing machine.

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 15:10, Nigel <freesense@gmail.com> wrote:
Those poor people. Let's hope they know it will be far less painful to say "No!" now, rather than later.
Closer to home, The Nexi add their latest brick in the wall of 24/7 locational surveillance, the real impetus for making this move now.*
They really do want to know where they can lay their hands on you every moment of your lives.
nexi CANADA's NEW PLASTIC CURRENCY NOTES #2.33  latimes  11-16-11
*Your (actually, that of the note sitting in your wallet or handbag) GPS coordinates can be contained in one pixel on this $100 note.

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


nexi GREECE vs WALL STREET - US TO EU & G20 - YOU MUST FORCE GREECE TO SUBMIT Michael Hudson w Amy #12.00 dn 11-03-11

Those poor people. Let's hope they know it will be far less painful to say "No!" now, rather than later.
Closer to home, The Nexi add their latest brick in the wall of 24/7 locational surveillance, the real impetus for making this move now.*
They really do want to know where they can lay their hands on you every moment of your lives.
nexi CANADA's NEW PLASTIC CURRENCY NOTES #2.33  latimes  11-16-11
*Your (actually, that of the note sitting in your wallet or handbag) GPS coordinates can be contained in one pixel on this $100 note.

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


rot FOOTBALL - COLLEGE CONCUPISCENCE Rudderless - James Howard Kunstler clusterfucknation 11-14-11

Brilliant! JHK speaks for me.
Rudderless - James Howard Kunstler
And while sexual norms in the lair of the Nittany Lions may be perverted and twisted, this pathetic meme has even managed to do violence to the good old-fashioned, barroom-brawl variety; Sparta sans grace.
When one thinks of the brand of humans this produces (if something gets in your way, run over it), it answers a lot of questions about why this society deals with its many frustrations in such destructive ways. The inculcation of faux 'ideals' and aspirations, on vivid display in this docu, is right up there with the U.S. Army ("An Army of One.") and Wall Sreet ("... Greed, for want of a better word, is good.").
We are producing warrior sociopaths by the gross - on the gridiron or in-counry. And they end up making war on the rest of us as they deal (poorly) - in a black-or-white kinda way - with the normal give-and-take of daily existence. To think, one of these millions of sociopaths-in-training may even wind up President of these here Newnited States one day.
rot FOOTBALL - HIGH SCHOOL - EXTREME MAYHEM IN PURSUIT OF FALSE VALUES  Football High #53.00  frontline-pbs  04-12-11
NjW  410

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti



thanx to patrick.net for this one
This brief trenchant piece from Michael Hudson explains why the screws were put to Papandreou when he dared to invite the Greek people to have a say in what debts they would, and would not, assume. As some of you may know, Wall Street threatened the EU with an immediate cut-off of funds from US banks if the people of Greece (in a proposed referendum) decided not to allow their government to legitimize the existing debt (which their leaders had committed them to, sans vote)) by borrowing still more to tide it (Greece) over while they imposed austerity measures to balance (screw) the Greek economy.
Now that 'the people' are beginning to tumble to and stand up to the outrageous debt-tyranny tactics of the banksters, the banksters now want to fall back on the system they have bought and paid for over the past three decades: oligarchy
It remains to be seen if the Deutsche/Franco tag-team of Merkel & Sarkozy can convince the 15 other Eurozone members to keep the wheezing Eurocon going for a few more years by setting up an economic United States of Europe on the sly; known on this side of the pond as, The Fed.
Looks to me like 50/50.
also from patrick.net
And now, a few days later, from the always-excellent, clear-thinking mind of Charles Hugh Smith, comes a run-down on the Machiavelian mechanics behind the bankster's power play in Europe - a perfect companion piece to Hudson's above. Smith reveals the banksters' panicked reaction to the very notion that all this artful buggering of the public might now be all for naught by many said 'publics' simply welshing on the entire fiat-debt system con itself.
All that lovely faux-filthy luchre down the drain, so to speak. What a shame, eh?
The options for Europe, and ourselves, really are as stark as Smith' clarion call portrays.
The path to freedom for us all is wrapped up neatly in one word: Iceland.
dip EUROPE'S CHOICE - ACCEPT DEBT-SLAVERY OR REBEL AGAINST THE BANKS  charles hugh smith  oftwominds  12-05-11.url
 and this concise clip
rev EUROZONE - THE GATHERING STORM - Pat Condell #7.39  youtube  11-29-11

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


con RETIREES' NEST-EGG CORPORATE PLUNDER Retirement Heist - Ellen Schultz talk #52.51=9 booktv 09-19-11

from Mark Crispin Miller's NewsFromUnderground
The malfeasance is shameful; the betrayal Olympian. With luck, going forward, our default position, vis-a-vis future business entities, will be to mistrust, but verify (every jot and bloody tittle).
con RETIREES' NEST-EGG CORPORATE PLUNDER  Retirement Heist - Ellen Schultz talk #52.51=9  booktv  09-19-11
Here are a few trillion* more reasons why any system that rewards or encourages avarice has to go, just as soon as we get a chance to replace this mess.
For you viewer eschewers...
con RETIREES' NEST-EGG CORPORATE PLUNDER  Retirement Heist - Ellen Schultz book excerpt  alternet  09-27-11
*approximate retirement amount stolen by corporations since the Late 80s - the lion's share under Bushco (what a shocker, eh?)

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


libs DEATH ROW TO THE ALTAR - THE ABJECT & INSPIRING JOURNEY OF Sonia Jacobs & Peter Pringle #35.41 dn 11-23-11

Oh, wow. This pair's harrowing stories - especially hers - place most of our own trivial concerns in deep, thoughtful perspective. This is injustice squared; unending nightmares; the depths of despair; inner peace as our only true source of refuge and comfort when solitude is forced upon us and finally, the power of the mind and spirit to transcend whatever the outrage visited upon us.
In the end, we are only what we think about. That, and how we react to the world outside our corporeal boundary; one that is constantly seeking to push and pull us this way and that and, all too often, not to our benefit.
Their stories summon a third actor - their antagonist - onto the stage: man's cruelty to his fellow travelers in the form of our most cruel and unusual death penalty. While there is simply no civilized way to purposely set out to kill another human being, somehow, when the state takes on the job, the result ends in gruesome and gore-ridden spectacle that is at least equal to that of a Roman arena.
From the incremental tearing of flesh and cartilage of the crucifixion until the still-quick corpse simply falls to the ground from lack of molecular adhesion, to the excruciating anticipation, but swift and merciful thunk of the guillotine, to the, initially, wildly thrashing, then bloated and purple bodies of the hangman, to the invention from Hell itself, the electric chair, with it's promise of swift, sure justice betrayed again and again by botched, um, execution and to today's new-and-improved, more 'civilized' method: the stealthy syringe, man seems never to tire of exacting a pound of flesh in pursuit of that dish best served cold: revenge.
It is interesting that the worst forms of capital punishment have flourished and persisted in those areas of America (and abroad) where the most virulent strains of Christianity (and others) have held sway. I always wonder that they never appear to examine the reasons they stay so pissed off about everything. All that intolerance must plumb wear 'em out.
NjW  419

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


TAMPA BAY NEWS & EVENTS St Pete Times + Saint Petersblog + Sayfie Review + Creative Loafing + others

If you don't get them already, signing up for these will keep you posted on the wealth of inexpensive and entertaining events to attend in the Bay Area, most of them family oriented.
TAMPA BAY DOINGS  Creative Loafing
THINGS-TO-DO - St Pete Times
city TAMPA BAY AREA  Florida - Wiki
city ST PETE  Florida - Wiki
city ST PETE INFO real estate-traveL-jobs-hospitals-schools-crime-news  city-data
city TAMPA  Florida - Wiki
city TAMPA INFO real estate-traveL-jobs-hospitals-schools-crime-news    city-data
(Gov Reuben Askew 1971-1979) - Troxler  sptimes  05-01-11

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti


rig 2000 GORE MINI-LANDSLIDE - 6 MILLION VOTES cast, not counted - PER UNADJUSTED EXIT POLLS richardcharnin 11-21-11

Makes you wonder if there are any adults in power who deal with anything anymore?
Massive theft of elections?  How many times do I gotta tell you? It's VOTER fraud, not the other thing. 
Warming ready to go to Warp Factor 5?  What? This is Mother's natural 60-year cycle. Just ask my 'front' PR firm.
Outrageous expansion of police brutality incidents?  Fugheddaboudit. You been watching too much Bad Boy stuff.
The .0001% badly in need of remedial incarceration?  In your dreams, sucka! Staying free's just another cost of.. (you know).
A 500% increase in military suicides over the past decade?  Not a chance. That's why they have free healthcare (and burial).
NAFTA's role in creating all those extra millions of 'illegals'?  You'd think they'd stay home after all the jobs (@$1.50 hr) we created down there.
The Olympian irony of S&P and Moody's threatening anyone over their card limit with a downgrade of their credit rating?  Psst! Keep it down, willya?
Karl Rove's key role in damn near every distastrous trend since 1998?  You really want to fuck with me? I've buried better men than you (I'll say).

Nigel Watson  freethinker  727.493.1990 skype orbizen2
Blog: ORBizen Memo  http://orbizenmemo.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater disaster than greed."Lao-tzu

 "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Krishnamurti



thanx, Hal

hope these pix come thru 














